Elizabeth Tanguay, winner of the Robert Wood Johnson Award

May 5, 2022

Elizabeth Tanguay, winner of the Robert Wood Johnson Award

Every year, the Canadian College of Health Leaders presents the Robert Wood Johnson Award. Established in 1956, it is awarded exclusively to six graduate students in Canadian health administration programs. In the national capital, the Telfer Faculty of the University of Ottawa selects a Master of Health Administration graduate. The primary selection criterion is the likelihood of the person making a significant contribution to health services management.

This year, the selection committee chose Elizabeth Tanguay, Director of the Ottawa East Ontario Health Team (OE OHT) and 2021 graduate of the Master of Health Administration program, to receive this prestigious award. The committee based its choice on her outstanding academic performance, her ability to develop new ideas, and her leadership. 

With 20 years of experience in the healthcare industry in communications, marketing, business and partnerships development, and team management, Elizabeth began her master’s degree to contribute in public health administration. For her, health is “the ultimate wealth”, which explains her desire to better understand the complexity of the health care system. She is convinced that quality person-centred care is not the exclusive responsibility of health care professionals but rather needs to proactively involve all concerned individuals such as patients, clients, family members and caregivers. The inequities that still exist in health care concern her deeply. Since taking over the leadership of the Ottawa East Ontario OHT in November 2021, she has been working with the many members and partners of the OHT “to reduce current and future barriers in health care” and bring health at the heart of the community. 

a woman is smiling in front of a picture

The Robert Wood Johnson Awards will be presented on June 16 at the Canadian College of Health Leaders 2022 Virtual Gala. The entire Ottawa East OHT congratulates her on an exceptional career and we are pleased to have her among us.

Congratulations Elizabeth!

3 février 2025
In February, Canada celebrates Black History Month. And in early March, Black Mental Health Week is celebrated in Ottawa. Both events are opportunities to celebrate the achievements and contributions of Black communities in Canada. They are also opportunities to raise awareness and equip healthcare personnel to better understand and respond to the needs of people from Black communities. In Canada and in Eastern Ontario, it is impossible to talk about mental health without addressing the systemic barriers that Black communities still face. The need for mental health services has exploded in recent years, and organizations need to offer culturally appropriate and anti-racist care and services. That’s why the Archipel Ontario Health Team (OHT) and its partners are taking steps to dismantle the foundations of systemic racism through an anti-racism training project offered in collaboration with the Research Laboratory V-TRaC.
3 février 2025
En février, le Canada célèbre le Mois de l’histoire des Noirs. De plus, au début mars, la Semaine de la santé mentale des Noirs est soulignée à Ottawa. Ces deux événements sont des occasions de célébrer les réalisations et l’apport des communautés noires au Canada. Ce sont également des occasions de sensibiliser et d’outiller le personnel de la santé afin de mieux comprendre et de répondre aux besoins des personnes issues des communautés noires. Au Canada et dans la région de l’est de l’Ontario, on ne peut parler de santé mentale sans aborder les obstacles systémiques auxquels les communautés noires sont encore confrontées. Les besoins de services en santé mentale ont explosé au cours des dernières années et les organisations doivent offrir des soins et des services culturellement appropriés et antiracistes. C’est pourquoi l’Équipe Santé Ontario (ÉSO) Archipel et ses partenaires prennent des mesures pour démanteler les assises du racisme systémique par le biais d’un projet de formation antiraciste offert en collaboration avec le Laboratoire V-TRaC.
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