Province announces Ontario Health Team in Ottawa East.

April 29, 2022

Province announces Ontario Health Team in Ottawa East.

Ottawa, July 28, 2020 – In support of the ongoing fight against COVID-19 and as part of the province’s plan to end hallway health care, the Ontario government is announcing a new Ontario Health Team in Eastern Ottawa and is providing additional funding to better connect care.

“Over the past several months, Ontario Health Teams have demonstrated remarkable responsiveness to the COVID-19 outbreak by simplifying the purchase of personal protective equipment, supporting the staffing of long-term care homes and assessment centers and expanding virtual care options,” said Christine Elliott, Deputy Premier and Minister of Health. “They’ve done so by breaking down long-standing barriers to better connect care, both in support of patients and our brave frontline heroes. The announcement of a new Ontario Health Team in Eastern Ottawa will build on this success as we continue to implement our plan to defeat COVID-19.”

The Ontario Health Team of Ottawa East is one of five new Ontario Health Teams being established across the province at this time. Ontario Health Teams bring together health care providers to work as one team to improve patient outcomes. Through an Ontario Health Team, patients will experience easier transitions from one provider to another, including, for example, between hospitals and home care providers, with one patient story, one patient record and one care plan. Patient and families will also have access to 24/7 navigation and care coordination services.

The Ontario Health Team of Ottawa East will focus on treating patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and associated comorbidities. Services will be offered in both official languages.

“The new Ontario Health Team of Ottawa East is excellent news for Eastern Ottawa region and the Francophone community,” said Caroline Mulroney, Minister of Francophone Affairs and Minister of Transportation. “Completely bilingual, made up of 33 organisations including family physicians and the highly skilled staff at Montfort Hospital, this new Ontario Health Team will better connect care for all patients and families with interconnected programs and services in both English and French.”

“This announcement is a big step forward for bilingual patient care in East Ottawa,” said Jeremy Roberts, MPP for Ottawa West—Nepean. “I’m proud that our government has brought this exciting initiative forward as part of our ongoing support of the Franco-Ontarian community.”

The province is also investing up to $25.25 million to directly support the 29 approved Ontario Health Teams. Of this funding, $9.5 million will be dedicated to virtual care which will provide more support for vulnerable populations and individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19. With the remaining $15.75 million, each Ontario Health Team will receive up to $375,000 to be used for:

  • Expanding digital care, including training, education and purchasing new tools and technology for virtual visits, booking online appointments and patient portals;
  • Dedicated human resources to help develop and implement this new model of care, including more collaborative responses to COVID-19; and
  • Purchasing business information tools to measure the performance and outcomes of the Ontario Health Team model.

Last year, the Ontario government began implementing its plan to build a new, integrated health care system for patients by announcing the first 24 Ontario Health Teams and Ontario Health, a single agency to oversee quality health care delivery, and improve clinical guidance and support for providers. The strong partnerships and integrated care established by Ontario Health Teams and Ontario Health have helped better position the province to respond quickly and effectively to COVID-19. As Ontario Health Teams continue to expand across the province, these partnerships and the lessons learned will also help better prepare the province for a potential second wave of COVID-19 and flu season.

Quick Facts

  • An Ontario Health Team is responsible for delivering care for their patients, understanding their health care history, easing their transition from one provider to another, directly connecting them to the different types of care they need and providing 24/7 help in navigating the health care system.
  • Under an Ontario Health Team, Ontarians can be confident that they can continue to contact their health care providers as they always have, to access the health care they need. The Ontario government will continue working with its health care partners until Ontario Health Teams are fully established across the province and everyone is supported by a team.

Information and interview requests

Communications Department

Hôpital Montfort

613-746-4621, ext. 2049

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